Denied Boarding

For EU261 to apply, you musn’t surrender your seat voluntarily. In cases where you agree to give up on your seat in exchange for a travel voucher, airline miles or other sort of compensation, you are no longer eligible under the Regulation.

You won’t be entitled to compensation in the following cases as well:

  • You didn’t check-in on time*

  • You were not present at the gate on time*

  • You do not have the required travel documents (boarding pass, passport, and visa when applicable)

  • You created or represented a health, safety or security concern

*”On-time” refers to the time limit set by the airline. This information is available on their website and should be indicated in your booking confirmation and boarding pass as well.

How much can I claim for my boarding denial?

The amount of the denied boarding flight compensation ranges between 250 and 600 euro and depends on the distance between your original point of departure and your final destination. The table below summarizes the amount, which you can claim.


    Compensation amount  

   Flights under 1,500km


   Intra-EU flights over 1,500km


   Non-EU flights between 1,500 and 3,500km


   Non-EU flights over 3,500km


The good news for you is that the airline is supposed to pay you this compensation immediately, at the airport. In addition, you are entitled to a re-routing to your destination.

Source: Claim Compass


Before coming to us:

You must have already complained to the airline directly in writing and either received a final written response (sometimes referred to as a ‘deadlock letter’) or given the airline 8 weeks to respond to your dispute. AviationADR can only deal with unresolved complaints.

Make a complaint:

Post: you can post your complaint to us by filling out a paper version here and send it to:

Stratford Office Village
Unit 12 Walker Avenue, Wolverton
Milton Keynes
MK12 5TW

Online: you can make an online complaint by clicking here

Phone: you can telephone us on 0203 540 8063

If you’re not happy with the outcome:

Consumers are not bound by our recommendations or decisions unless you agree to be bound. If you do not agree to be bound and you are unhappy with the outcome, you can still take your complaint elsewhere (such as to court).